“But what about you?” [Jesus] asked. “Who do you say I am?” Mark 8:29

That’s a powerful question! Who do I say Jesus is? With my lips? Who do I say? Do I speak up with my lips and say: “Jesus is Lord”,(What does that really mean, anyway?). or “Jesus is savior?” or “Jesus is a great moral or religious teacher.” maybe, “He is a prophet.” Do I say to others that he is the Son of God, or the only way of salvation and eternal life; the sacrifice for my sins? Or maybe I tell others that Jesus loves them and now anything goes. Or do I tell them that Jesus taught repentance from sin and faith in Him and living by the ways of God in His kingdom. Or I could be telling others a vast variety of things, including nothing at all, which says volumes.

Here’s the point. If I am saying anything at all (am I?), is it true? Is it fully in keeping with what the Word of God says? Or do I only have a small and partial idea of WHO JESUS IS? A view that I have picked up from others, or society at large, or years ago in children’s Sunday School, or by some kind of mental osmosis from who knows where? Is it a picture of ease, convenience, pretty to look at? What does God really reveal to me about Jesus? Do I really know? All of it? Is that who I say Jesus is?

Enough about words, that is, what I say with my lips.

WHAT DOES MY LIFE SAY? The way I live is always saying something! My attitudes, values, interactions with others, ordinary conversations, my reactions or responses, my choices of entertainment and recreation and other involvements. In short, everything I say and do and am, communicates and expresses to everyone around me who and what Jesus is in my life. Who are you and I saying Jesus is? What does my life say to others?

Is Jesus a “Sunday” thing? Is He in a small compartment of my life? Maybe he is an “early morning in the closet” companion. Or is he the center and core of my life? The Lord and Master? Very life itself; his life being lived out in and through me?

As Jesus asked others then, he is asking me and you today, “Who do YOU say I am?”

Pilgrim 41144              8-3-2010

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Published in: on August 3, 2010 at 12:11 PM  Comments (2)  
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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. WOW!!!!! Blown away yet again. Who do I say He is…….? Thank you for posing this question because I need to know that my actions follow the words that I use to say Who He Is. Thanks brother!

    • It makes me cause and consider. How much of myself am I really willing to give over to Jesus? I want my life to be anexpression of Christ, and yet…

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